Brown Email


Gmail & Students’ Email

Vencil Brown students have access to an email account, within the Roseville City School District email server (

This account is a Google email account that only allows students to exchange emails, and project information, with other students and staff within their school. This account is only available for school-related work and projects.

Why a student Google account?  

  • Google applications such as docs, slides, sheets, and Gmail have a share feature for word processing, presentations, and spreadsheets that allow work to be edited online by several people at once. The feature captures changes and comments on the project so that students can work on projects at home or at school.
  • The students will enhance their writing skills by receiving feedback from peers and teachers via Google. With this type of feedback, students will be able to develop a piece of writing further than what they may do on their own.
  • Students can also share research and collaboratively build presentations to report back on their learning.
  • These skills are necessary for our students’ success in the future job markets, and working with our new Common Core Standards.

We are very grateful to our parents and PTC for supporting our efforts to engage our students and build these skills.