Paper deployment #4 and Library Books
October 8th, 2:00-5:30pm
It’s wonderful that so many of you have taken advantage of our new online library catalog! We have decided to offer book requests to students weekly. Students may check out a total of 2 books. On deployment weeks, books will be available to pick up when you pick up your student’s paper materials. On non-deployment weeks, book requests will be available in the office on Fridays from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Kindly complete your library book requests the night before pickup days to allow our librarian time to process them.
Here is the link to the Catalog:
The username is your child’s student ID: ######
The password is your child’s birthday in this format -
One more thing to remember regarding the catalog: When
selecting books on the catalog make sure the green flag in the
upper left-hand corner of the book says “IN”. If you select
a book that has the red “OUT” flag on it you will still be able
to put it on hold but the book will not be available until the
student it’s checked out to returns it.
The white library book return basket will continue to be
available outside the front office daily between the hours of
7:30 am – 4:00 pm. Please return your books when you are finished
with them.